Rigid Solar Heating Panels

Rigid Solar Heating Panels


Modular pool heating panels that provide excellent heating, durability, protection from cockatoos and possums, and heating cost savings.

Rhino solar pool heating at Marcus Beach

Rhino solar pool heating at Marcus Beach

  • Solazone specialises in swimming pool heating and has installed solar pool heaters since 1983
  • Solar-heated swimming pools get used much more of the time, and our cost-effective solar pool heaters are acclaimed by their owners, ranging from Victoria and Tasmania to Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast.
  • Rigid Panel systems are ideal for those seeking a more robust, durable, and longer-lasting solar pool heating system.
  • Rigid Panels are particularly popular in regions that are prone to possum, cockatoo, or bird attacks.  However, they are more expensive to install than traditional Strip Systems and may not be suitable for all roofs, particularly for irregularly shaped roofs.  Each system is designed to suit your individual needs, roof type, pool size, and budget.


Rhino solar pool heating collector

A Rhino solar pool heating collector panel



Energy-efficient, Trouble-free

  • Simple to maintain and service
  • Drill-free systems available
  • Suitable for metal and tiled roofs
  • Eco-friendly
  • Solar is the most economical form of pool heating – save on running costs, compared to a Heat Pump or Gas Heater


Allowance for expansion of Rhino panels

Allowance for expansion of Rhino panels


Which size best suits your roof?

  1. Calculate your swimming pool area.  (length times the average width).
  2. Measure your roof from the ridge to the rain gutter.  This determines the maximum collector length you may use.
  3. Select from the three sizes available.
  4. Divide the calculated pool area from (1.) by the selected collector size to determine the number of collectors that you need.


Collector lengths  40mm Manifold Panel  Area (sqm)
2.42 m long 2.42m x 1.22 Rigid Panel 2.9 sqm
3.04 m long 3.04m x 1.22 Rigid Panel 3.7 sqm
3.64 m long 3.64m x 1.22 Rigid Panel 4.4 sqm
Panel Kit Complete
System Kit Complete


The system is robust, possum and cockatoo proof, easy to assemble and economical compared with other available systems.

Silicone seals ensure no leaks from Rhino solar pool heating

Silicone seals ensure there are no leaks from manifold joints in Rhino solar pool heating


Pool Temperature Controller details


Do-it-yourself kits – how many panels do you need? 

So, wanting a warm pool, with strong panels that don’t leak or blow loose on the roof?  

Provide us with the pool and roof details, your contact number and email address. 

We will do the rest.



Provide your pool size and street address below for a free quote:

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