Off-Grid Solar Power

Off-grid, Stand Alone, or Remote Area living page.


Solar Power Systems

Often referred to as “off-the-grid” solar power systems, these are self-sufficient systems that provide useable power anywhere, without the need to connect to a grid electricity supply.

Off-grid solar installation


We have built lots in remote and rural areas, where mains grid electricity either doesn’t exist, or is too expensive to connect to, due to the distance of the nearest power lines (it can cost several thousand dollars per power pole).

Power is predominantly provided by a renewable energy source, solar or wind, which is used directly or stored in large, deep-cycle batteries.   A sine-wave inverter then provides 240-volt power to the household, and often a generator is used as a backup, for bad weather, or when there is insufficient renewable energy available to recharge the batteries.

Solazone supplies solar power, lighting, pumps and refrigeration to those depending upon solar power, since 1983.

During this time solar power systems have become larger, safer, and much more reliable. There are now Australian Standards that fully cover the design and installation of solar power systems, ensuring they are safely designed and installed, and operate effectively.

Currently Solar rebates apply for these systems, so the savings can amount to tens of thousands of dollars. 


Baralaba solar power system


Calculating power requirements.

We are often asked to quote on solar power for a “standard” house.   The energy needs of every house are different, but to give you an idea, we have provided a calculation sheet below.

If you want a solar system that works reliably, you need to ensure that it’s large enough to generate enough power for your needs AND  provide enough storage in the batteries to last you through periods of bad weather.

We provide a simple power calculation for each client – it takes some time and a bit of thought – but it results in you getting a properly designed solar system that is designed to do what you want.

Use the sizing calculator below to estimate your power needs.  People are often surprised by the first results of this exercise.  Don’t be put off, just review the figures and try again.

To calculate the solar system size you need, download the Sizing Form here.


Solazone prewired off-grid control cabinets

Control cabinet with Dingo 20

Here is a very good way to get started.  We supply the pre-wired electrical control cabinet with fuses, switches, and the regulator already correctly connected up.  It is as simple as ‘plug and play’.  See the details of the Solazone off-grid power control cabinets here


Solar DC Freezers

Off-grid JK268 DC Freezer

High-efficiency chest freezers with advanced technology, super-insulated walls, and DC motors that can run from solar panels and batteries, or from 240-volt generators.


Solar-powered Pools and Spas

900W solar pool pump s

Run your swimming pool filter or solar heating system directly from the sun, for free!

  • For clean, clear pool water all day, every day
  • No running cost at all    
  • Filter or heat whenever the sun is shining   
  • In bright sun, it runs faster and pumps more water, on cloudy days it runs a little slower


Off-grid Solar Water Heaters

300 litre medium pitch

Close-coupled models, tank on the roof with mains pressure coil inside.

These solar water heaters require no pumps or moving parts, and just sit on the roof and get hot.  They are ideal for connecting to a wood stove as they operate at low pressure and will not damage your wood heater.  The stainless steel tank contains a mains pressure heat exchanger inside that allows you to have hot water at any pressure you like.  These systems are perfect for frost-prone areas as the water inside the evacuated tubes does not freeze.


Ask us for more details of any of these systems

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