Solar Power for Renters

Solar power for renters


So you are renting a property, and your power bill is out of control?

rental property

You may already buy “Green Power”, but it really doesn’t help with the cost of the power bill.  

The problem is that the house is not yours, but you are expecting to stay there for many years, right?

What to do?   Are there any options for me?

rental house for solar

At Solazone, we do have several systems that may suit your needs:  

  • Solar panels may be installed on removable frames that will not affect the roof.  
  • All can be removed if your decide to leave.  
  • Installation and removal is performed by qualified tradesmen, because of safety & dangerous voltage.   
  • Our removable solar systems can be built-up over time, starting with something small, and adding more solar panels as more funds become available.
  • Battery back-up systems are now available.

Solar panels for rental properties

 Firstly, consider these:

  1. Would the landlord come to the party, and install a solar power system for you ?  (Landlord claims the rebate, and the solar system adds value to the property.)
  2. Would the landlord give permission, or allow you, to install your own solar power system on the roof, if you agree to remove it and restore the roof, when you leave?  (You claim the rebate for yourself.)
  3. Or, do you have a safe and convenient sunny area in the back-yard, where a robust ground-mounted solar system could be installed, and later removed ?

The Rental Solar System:

Starting size is one or more 250 watt solar panels.  We recommend minimum of 500w.

Extra solar panels may be added. 

Connect to the nearest switchboard or meter box, with wiring to Australian Standards.

If you claim a rebate, you may be asked to repay it if the system is removed before the end of the 5 to 15 years deeming period. 

There may be a cost to replace the meter, and your existing electricity tariff may change.  (Check with your electricity provider).

In some states, there may be an additional safety inspection charge, around $200 to $300.

Solazone can assist you with the application paperwork, and estimate the likely costs and savings, for the areas we operate in.

Send us a copy of a recent power bill, or email scanned copies (both sides) to the nearest Solazone office.


Our Mobile Solar system

More details and pics soon.


Details of the Microinverters


Order now, or ask a question:

Queensland:    (07) 5448 8304      qld at

Victoria:            (03) 9808 7337      vic at

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