Upgrade or Expand

Upgrading your old solar power system.


Right now is the time to consider upgrading your ten-year-old solar power system.   

The premium feed-in tariffs in Victoria are finishing in a couple of weeks, and your 66 cents bonus feed-in will be reduced to 3 cents.

So, for many of us early adaptors, including myself, the benefits of exporting power to the grid will cease.  The meagre 3 cents is more than gobbled up by the monthly connection fee.

So, what to do?

As I see it there are 4 options:

  1.  Do nothing, and live with the reduced feed-in.  The best way to manage this is to run your appliances during the sunlight hours to reduce the amount of power you are buying.  You will find that you small solar system will likely be overwhelmed with the power yoou need to use, and your bill may rise substantialy.
  2. Upgrade the solar system so you are generating more of your own power.  This has many benefits, including not buying so much power during the day.   You may find.however that you cannot just add solar panels because the wiring rules have changed, and the very least you can legally do is to add an additional system on available, unused roof space.
  3. Replace the existing solar system with a new one.  When you consider that your old solar panels are probably producing around 80% of what they did when they were new, it makes sense to consider replacing them.  New 440-watt solar panels take up about 30% more roof space than your old 180-watt solar panels do.   So it is easy to see that you can increase the generated output just by reusing the same roof space.   Inverters are more efficient theses days, so the generated power is likely to be considerably more.
  4. Add a battery.   We can easily add a highly-efficient battery to capture your excess power generated during the day and save it for later.   Whether you are doing a big cook-up at dinner time or want to run the aircon at night, the benefit is that you can use your own generated power


With many years of experience, we are well-placed to advise on all sorts of repairs, replacements, and upgrades.


So why not contact us for more information regarding your specific system.

In most cases our sales consultant will need to inspect and evaluate your present solar system, and your end requirements, before you place an order.  

We specialise in thorough examination, and correct assessments, at no additional cost to you.


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