Solar Greenhouse Heating
Use the sun for heating greenhouses, propagation sheds, and crop drying sheds.
1. For faster propagation of seedlings use Rootzone under-bench heating.
Rootzone greenhouse heating mat is laid out on the benches in a greenhouse or plant nursery to keep the plant root zone warm when the temperature in the greenhouse drops overnight. Warm water trickling through the mat keeps the greenhouse root zone warm and contributes to plants propagating and growing much quicker.
Heated water is pumped through the greenhouse matting to ensure that the root zone of the plants remains at a constant warm temperature throughout the night.
The circulating water may be heated by solar energy, gas, or electricity.
Substantial savings in heating costs have been found by using this root zone heating method, as there is normally no need to further heat the entire greenhouse.

Root zone heating mat on a corflute base
By keeping the roots and soil at the right temperature, plants are relatively unaffected by small variations in air temperature within the greenhouse.
The unique features of this heat transfer mat ensure good heat transfer from the flat mat surface to the plant pots, and it can be neatly installed with plumbing at only one end of the propagation benches, whilst allowing for different temperature zones within the greenhouse by using flow control valves.
Each heating strip consists of 10 flattened tubes connected immediately adjacent to each other so there is good heat transfer to the plants. Each strip is 160 mm wide, and the strips are laid side by side to cover the bench. Each end of the strip is joined to a PVC pipe using a special manifold designed to ensure even temperature across all of the propagation bench. Installation is simple, and there are no leaks.

Connecting the heating mat to manifolds
Complete & detailed installation instructions, including plumbing diagrams, are supplied with every greenhouse heating kit.
Black plastic keeps the heating mat clean
Parts we can supply to heat your propagating benches |
Rootzone Heating Mat rolls (27 m long x 0.15 m wide) 4.05 sqm |
25mm PVC manifold pipes set (inlet and outlet, made to your bench width) |
PVC pipe elbows, end caps, and threaded fittings |
Circulation pump (750 watt), if required |
Automatic temperature controller to maintain the root zone temperature |
The typical cost for a heating mat to cover a 13 metre x 1.8 metre propagation bench is around $1100 including manifold pipes. Pump, controller and connecting pipework not included.
2. Solar evacuated tube water heating collectors to heat the storage tank
Water is heated during the day to store as heat for the night in a large 1000-litre stainless steel storage tank. The heated water may also be circulated through the greenhouse during the day to increase the temperature of other thermal masses (eg rock piles) in the greenhouse.
3. Solazone Air heating collectors – large glass boxes to heat the air
- Solazone large solar air heaters, suitable for drying crops in a shed, or heating an area
- The collectors are made from Colorbond steel boxes, with heavy-duty glass tops
- Size: 1450mm x 2000mm, can be used individually, or fitted together in an array
- Air is circulated with a solar-powered fan, with optional grid backup, if required
- Available from our Marcoola store only.
3. Solazone Evacuated tube solar air heating collectors
These very effective air heaters can be used to heat a rock pile or other thermal mass inside the greenhouse during sunny days.

Solar Evacuated Tube Air Heater