Solazone Evacuated Tube Air Heater

Solar Evacuated Tube Air Heating


A highly efficient way to heat your home.

Hot Air solar collector

Evacuated tube solar air heating technology heats in any sunny weather, hot or cold, with NO energy cost.

Warm up chilly rooms in your house for free, and always feel snug and comfortable.

Dry damp bathrooms, no more cold, wet towels or slippery floors.

Remove unhealthy mould and musty smells in walk-in robes and damp rooms.


Solar Evacuated Tube Air Heater

Solar Evacuated Tube Air Heater


Solar Air Heater showing inner air pipes

Solar Air Heater showing inner air pipes


Owners of these devices acclaim the difference they enjoy, continuous warm comfort forever, and for no running cost.


  • Fresh, preheated dry air is introduced to increase comfort and reduce moisture, condensation, mould, mildew, smells and dampness.
  • Solar air heating reduces the need for heating using conventional heaters or closing off part of the house.
  • Heat is produced by the sun in the evacuated tubes, and introduced by a solar-powered fan.
  • The stronger the sunlight, the better it works.
  • Thus the solar air heater operates at zero cost and even works in partly overcast weather.


How it works


Evac tube air heater schematic

Evac tube air heater schematic


Solar air heater inner tubes

Solar air heater inner tubes


Solar Air Heater manifold showing silicone seals

Solar Air Heater manifold showing silicone seals



  • Heat living areas during the day, so the house is already comfortable and warm when you come home.
  • Dry out bathrooms, or other damp rooms to eliminate mould and damp towels.
  • Warm chilly offices or bedrooms to always feel comfy.
  • Eliminate mouldy shoes and damp clothes in walk-in robes.


Stop the dampness in walk-in robes

Warm, dry, walk-in robes without mould.


  • Remove condensation from indoor pools and spas.
Keep the indoor swimming pool environment warm and dry

Warm and dry indoor swimming pool environments.

  •  Warm and freshen up gyms, games rooms, or work studios.  Always feeling fresh, alert, and inviting. 
  • Eliminate dangerous mould in damp rooms, and remove musty odours.


Eliminate mould problems in damp rooms

Eliminate mould problems in damp rooms

  • Dry clothes, bathrooms, and humid bedrooms.
Dry clothes fast, indoors, in any weather.

Dry clothes fast, indoors, in any weather.

  • Warm and dry up swimming pool enclosures, sports areas and change rooms.


Solar Evacuated Tube Air Heaters


Solar evacuated tube air heating collectors

Solar evacuated tube air heating collectors


  • The Solar Collectors are each approximately 2080 x 2050mm.
  • Active absorber area is 3.2 sqm
  • Dual inner tanks, made from insulated 304 stainless steel 0.4mm thick
  • ID of connection is 76mm, OD of connection is 89mm
  • The sun heats the air, as it is drawn through the solar collectors by the solar-powered fan.
  • The warm air is ducted into the house through a ceiling or wall vent.
  • The solar collectors are designed to be modular, so you can add as many collectors as you want.
  • A good rule of thumb is 3 solar collectors for heating about 100 square meters of space.


Solar-powered fans run our Evacuated Tube Air Heating Systems


Solar 20-watt fan

Details of the solar-powered fan we use are here.


 Solar Evacuated Tube Air Heating Kits  Prices March 2024
SRH25  – Heats up to 30 sqm & improves air quality. Single SRH module, 25 tubes, 30-degree mounting frame $1500
240-volt electric fan – 25 watts $285
24-volt DC electric fan – 20 watts, with solar panel $485
Digital Adjustable thermostat $165
Insulated 150mm flexible duct – 6 metre length $130

Prices shown do not include delivery or installation.

Three only, newly-released solar collectors available right now.   Pick up at Burwood shop.


Order here or ask a question:

Queensland:    (07) 5448 8304      qld @

Victoria:            (03) 9808 7337      vic @

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