Yes, a new compost toilet has been chosen for the truck stop and rest area on the second range crossing at Toowoomba.
This smart compost toilet building uses the latest plastic composite frames, with colorbond cladding on both sides of the walls. This means that it is completely termite-proof, and requires minimal upkeep.
There are two multi-use toilets that are located above a single Clivus Multram digester, that automatically composts all the waste, without smell, leaving only a small residue of garden compost after months of digestion inside the unit.
It is anticipated that the finished compost material may only need to be harvested just two to four times a year. In the meantime, the two toilets will fully service the needs of many truckies resting before making the descent along the new highway into Brisbane.
Here are some photos that were taken during the construction of the building over the seven days it took to complete the facility.
Further information can be found here,
or by contacting the office using the details below: